
The Nature Conservation Society of Southwest Häme is a local nature conservation association established in 1951. Southwest Häme includes Forssa, Humppila, Jokioinen, Somero, Tammela, Urjala, and Ypäjä.

Yhdistyksen toiminta keskittyy sääntömääräisesti luonnonsuojeluun, rauhoitustyöhön, tutkimukseen ja ympäristökasvatukseen sekä -valistukseen. Toiminnan näkyvimmät kulmakivet ovat Forssan luontomuseon ylläpito, ympäristökasvatustyö ja vuosittain ilmestyvän Lounais-Hämeen Luonto -lehti. Toimintaan kuuluu niin erilaisia näyttelyitä, retkiä, seminaareja, tapahtumia, kannanottoja, julkaisuja, tieteellistä tutkimustyötä ja koulutusta. Alli ja Torild Branderin Säätiö tukee Lounais-Hämeen luonnonsuojeluyhdistyksen toimintaa.

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The association's committees

Four committees were set up within the association to facilitate the coordination of activities. The committees are also the easiest way for newcomers to get involved in the association's activities. You can join a committee if you are interested in its work even if you are not a member of the association.

Conservation committee

The committee's task is to coordinate and advance the association's conservation work. The committee carries out nature surveys, contacts authorities and other decision-makers, and contributes to the protection of the nature in the association's area. The committee works closely with the South Häme Nature Conservation Group and the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation.

Museum committee

The museum committee plans the activities of and maintains the Forssa Nature Museum. Its work includes the development of the museum, curation, construction, and event production. The committee was responsible for the renovation of the museum's main exhibition in 2017. The committee organizes volunteer events to improve the museum and its activities.

Committee for children and youth

The purpose of the committee is to coordinate and further develop the association's and the museum's activities for children and young people. Currently, the committee's main work is the joint production of events with the Forssa Nature Museum.

Property committee

The property committee takes care of the association's real estate, mainly Raiko Manor and its protected areas in Urjala. The committee organizes volunteer events to help restore and maintain the manor and look after the association's protected areas and traditional biotopes.